Sakharov Speaks

SAKHAROV SPEAKS. Edited and with a foreword by Harrison E. Salisbury. 245 pages. (Collins and Harvill Press £3.00. This collection of Andrei Sakharov’s writings is a product of a great deal of work between the Academician himself and the well-known American journalist, Harrison Salisbury. Nearly half the book is taken up with Sakharov’s famous essay, … Read more

The Gulag Archipelago I

  THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO 1918 - 1956. by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. 660 pages. (Collins & Havill Press). £3. A leading dissident authoress, Lydia Chukovskaya, was recently expelled from the Soviet writers’ union. At the end of a two-hour meeting to condemn her works, she was allowed to speak and told the literary bureaucrats that Russian literature … Read more